Dr. Charles and claudine Long Collection


My name is John Long, son of the late Charles and Claudine Long. My brother Alan and I are handling our parent’s art collection.

Charles and Claudine started collecting over 60 years ago. They started out mostly in Art Nouveau, focusing on Tiffany. Particularly after my mom passed in 2009, Charles collected a very diverse, eclectic range of artifacts. Each one he saw the beauty in. Late in life, Charles would putter around his WAY to full house, periodically stopping just to appreciate even the simplest of things. It’s a lesson all of us can learn. There are items here that are worth very little and there are items worth tens of thousands of dollars. I think he appreciated each one about the same.

My brother and I aren’t art dealers and never will be. I put this site together to digitize our parent’s collection (which I think they’d find joy in upstairs), but also to make it easier to find homes for all of it. I will be posting new items constantly - probably through spring of 2023. The entire collection is probably 1000 pieces, of which about 600 are posted currently. As of February 2023, I have significant crystal pieces and paintings left in storage, in addition to other artifacts. I was descriptive when I could be and will post my dad’s notes when available. We welcome dialogue about any of the pieces. While money is always useful, that’s not our primary purpose. But we aren’t looking to just give the stuff away either. Particularly with anything less valuable (say under $50), we’ll be quite accommodating to offers, especially those that have stories associated with them. Just ask!

All artifacts will be in the Twin Cities area. I’m NOT looking to ship these things, unless we come to some substantial agreement. I have everything catalogued in boxes, so reasonably easy to pull a dozen pieces. We are looking for buyers of big lots of items or even all of it. I did quick pictures/movies (which I had to turn to a GIF), so allow for all not being professional grade. All measurements (height, weight) should be fairly accurate.

If you have any suggestions for us on how to deal with this collection, please feel free to email, call or text. We appreciate any help!

Thanks for visiting the collection! Continue seeing beauty in life around you.

John Long

